-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement For removal, send address(es) to be removed to milos@cc.gatech.edu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop on Binary Instrumentation and Applications Held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques PACT-14 St. Louis, MO September 18, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizers: Robert Cohn, Intel - robert.s.cohn@intel.com David Kaeli, Northeastern University - kaeli@ece.neu.edu Topics: This workshop provides a forum for researchers to present their work on binary instrumentation systems and applications. Binary instrumentation has been shown to be an effective technique to support program analysis, debugging, security, and simulation. A number of binary instrumentation tools and runtime systems have been developed. Binary instrumentation can be effectively implemented statically (at compile or link time) or dynamically (at run time). This workshop will provide researchers with an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about new tools and applications. This workshop will consider papers that address range of topics, including: * Binary instrumentation toolsets * Program profiling * Dynamic optimization * Quantitative metrics for binary instrumentation systems * Microarchitectural studies * Security applications * Software testing and correctness * New applications for instrumentation * Binary instrumentation tools used in compiler and architecture education Authors should submit a 2-page abstract to the workshop organizers by 8/1/2005. All submissions should be in PDF format. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide a camera-ready full paper (8-pages, single-spaced, double-column format) by 9/9/2005. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in ACM SIGARCH News (pending approval). Important dates: - Abstracts due: 08/01/2005 - Notification of acceptance: 08/12/2005 - Camera-ready paper due: 09/09/2005 - Workshop date: 09/18/2005 Program Committee: * Robert Cohn, Intel * David Kaeli, Northeastern University * Dan Connors, University of Colorado * Koen DeBosschere, University of Ghent * Saumya Debray, University of Arizona * Manel Fernandez, Intel * Martin Hirzel, IBM Research * Wei-Chung Hsu, University of Minnesota * Jeff Hollingsworth, University of Maryland * Robert Hundt, Hewlett-Packard * Chi-Keung Luk, Intel * Zhiqiang Ma, Intel * Kim Hazelwood, University of Virginia * Ramesh Peri, Intel For further information about this workshop, contact the workshop organizers at robert.s.cohn@intel.com or kaeli@ece.neu.edu, or go to the workshop URL: www.ece.neu.edu/conf/WBIA/.